Tuesday 2 October 2012

#01 The slightly pointless introduction ;]

... To my slightly inaccurately URL'd blog.
I *will* be mostly exploring religion in and related to cartoon (comics... hence a COMICal controversy? never mind  but also in a broader sense (but connected) other forms of expression related to religion. My blog might have a title alluding to Art, but I don't necessarily mean the usual traditional religious art people would associate with the topic, but modern representations- and I think any form of creative expression can be considered art, although for this set of blogs I'm going to try my best to stay focused on cartoon representation. From clever placards, to internet propaganda to graffiti, I'm going to look at quite a broad range of topics so it might be a little all over the place at times, but as the great ledge Oscar Wilde once said:
"Consistently is the last refuge of the unimaginative"  
and there's nothing worse than being unimaginative. Although I hear Chinese water torture comes a close second.

Just to warn you, there might be offensive content in places but is that not always the case with anything interesting? For those of you who cannot handle it however, please follow this link to my website that has all you need to help you never be offended in any way ever again ;). No, but seriously, please email me if you have a real issue with any content and I will see what I can do, as I don't intend to hurt any feelings or start worldwide protests.

Anyway enjoy, and feel free to comment honestly.


  1. I look forward to not being offended :) And if you do offend the overly sensitive people-I'm sure I can be of assistance ;) Unless it's me you've offended....then we have a serious problem. Lol :D

    1. Haleema, for the last time, I do not require your services as a hitman...

      I doubt I'll offend you, gay rights protests and religious propoganda etc will come up here and there but I'll try and be diplomatic about it. I'll really just be analysing other people's efforts tbh. No anti-feminism here ;)

  2. Haha...this sounds right up my street! I'm really looking forward to it :)

  3. is there a special offer if i buy both products together???
