Wednesday 24 October 2012

#06 Dem-marks be controversial.

The one all (two) of you have been waiting for!
The one about the Danish Cartoon row. This one's a follow on from the blog before- don't want to lose your attention with too much all at once do we ;)
QOTD towards the end this time- just to keep you on your toes.

Note: These were not the only provocative to religion comics, over the years there has certainly been a rise in cheeky to mocking to offensive comics regarding various religions in Newspapers.

Below though, is a rather a crude video from Youtube which contains the actual comics in question and the response of some Muslims in (conveniently) comic form:

 The first thing that comes to mind (and did at the time) was 'they're just cartoons though?' but the huge riots and protests that occurred shows just how much emphasis can be put on 'just' a cartoon, and the significance it can have. I think part of this is within the fact that a cartoon has to be 'made' specifically, so if it's a cartoon that is offensive and hateful; it was purposeful rather than a more subtle approach. Most sane people (incl Muslims) believe the response above was OTT and counter-productive, however....
QOTD: Do you think though that a cartoon portrayal of a view should be given as much significance? Or any at all? 
Does it being a cartoon make it any less offensive just because its in the name of humour?

A different perspective to think about...

....which to me kind of shows how comics can be/are used as a form of universal back and forth dialogue. In this way it kind of unites as well as divides in a strange sense. That must sound weird considering the above but the way I see it, something like poetry is a universal form of expression- sure in poetry someone can be racist and hurtful and there can be similar stuff back at them, but there is still a unity of expression there. Maybe it's the same for all creative forms of expression? Or maybe I'm just being weird. But clearly if both (or all) sides are using it, there is at least significance placed on them as ways of getting an opinion across. What say you?

Oh and I gotta put this in there because I've been thinking of it since I first Googled 'Danish....'

Mmmm. They may not always get it right with their cartoons, but they don't play when it comes to Danish swirls. Now those I'd riot for.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

#05 Extra! Extra! Blog all about it!

This one's going to be about religion related comics in Newspapers. 
Does the fact that something is cartoon/comic allow it to get away with more?
Is this (and if so, why is it) a bad thing?
Do cartoon/fictional depictions in any way desensitise people to what's offensive in the real world?
We had a guest lecturer at uni last year who talked to us about the rise of Islamophobia. As part of this, he discussed ways in which the rise is evident amongst the general public and one of these was through the 'funny' little comics in general newspapers. These started off innocent enough, but he showed how people got braver with their 'prejudice' and how that was shown in this way- people seemed to be more ok with poking fun at Muslims. Having said that, this has been happening with Christianity for many years, however it is assumed to be much less controversial to poke fun at Christianity, presumably because Christianity is larger and more prominent so it is perhaps assumed to be immune.

Here is a great little article on the history of Christianity related comics in the papers. 

Some are gentle fun and I'd say relatively harmless, such as:


These, I feel, are the mild amusing comics that can be giggled at by religious and non religious people alike. Both parody religion a little but not in any obviously provocative way. The other thing is, that neither of these focus on one religion, which I feel makes them that bit friendlier and could not be accused of 'attacking' any religion in particular.

Some, though are not nec supposed to be offensive but although are cartoons seem to be trying to get a genuine religio-political (I think I just made that up) message across like

which is based on real events and includes charicatures of the real people involved. This is what keeps it current rather than what comics usually do, which is create characters to represent real figures.

However, some comics are downright Danish... and not taken so lightly. You can read about that on the next blog! (Shameless plugging going on here)

#04 Sign Language

Following on from the last blog...

QOTD: Do cartoons/comics/fictional depictions get a message across better?

This blog is going to be about the use of placards during protests, the ones with references to/from religion. Protests are generally pretty serious things, and because of this the props, such as placards used, need to be well made and effective at getting a particular message across.

Most of the time protests are to achieve, or get something. For instance:

Onto serious things though. For instance; here's one that's a little strange but makes you think

Equally dodgy territories to manoeuvre- Religion and Politics and this placard crashes into them both. There is a lot of information in just this one picture that we can probably deduce. Even simply this persons knowledge of the historical person of Jesus being 'brown', and the cartoon picture showing him as such, rather than going along with traditional Western depictions of him as white tell us something about them. I would assume this poster was also anti-Obama, since it appears to be suggesting Obama is promising more than he can deliver or is capable of. I mean clearly including the boldly coloured cartoon picture was to draw people's attention- probably namely religious ones here.What do you think?

As you could probably guess, religion related cartoon involving protest signs are quite a niche wee search... and you would be right. Like here's one that would be great....

...if I had but any idea what you meant grumpy man with glasses. 
Oh 'ang about! A little further reading tells me this was made in protest of the indian government for the imprisonment of a man called Anna for standing up to the government. The comic now clearly makes sense, on the part of these people it is suggesting that in a civilised society all are calm and peaceful and democratic while others have their opinions and only in an uncivilised one do authorities react in such a way. This is not necessarily religion based but shows exactly what I mean about the effectiveness of cartoon. 

However, this protest sign is MUCH more relevant. Here the 'modern art' is in the entire picture, in her clear strength and what she is symbolising by (it seems) being naked, and even the monochrome effect put on the photography, and of course the theological aspect is more than evident. 

As it is in: 

Appears this method is popular amongst feminists... although they might argue that that's because they have so much to protest to regarding religion... but I'll leave that with you to think about. 

However, overall it seems that clearly religious people are generally more likely to protest ABOUT cartoons (see next blog ;) ) than by using them.

Still let me know what you think about this and the QOTD! :-) 

#03 Have a proper-gander at this ;)

If you hadn't worked it out from the lame pun, this one's about religious propoganda, Of course all religions have their extreme aspects but for this particular blog I will be focussing more on olde-time Christian examples.

QOTD ((Question(s) Of The Day))

Does putting propoganda in a cartoon form affect how well the message gets across?
Can you take it as seriously?

The internet is full of spoofs and parodies, here is one mocking exactly what we are discussing.

It is fairly obvious what this is getting at. The poster of this poster is clearly showing the fact that they think Christians who make these posters are being absurdly over dramatic, by likening pre marital sex to the systematic holocaust of an entire nation. I think.

Anyhoo, Let's begin the serious stuff with a lovely little colouring book complete with friendly Haiku...

... instructing impressionable little children to 'colour' in their intolerance to other religions. However there would be far more children to blatantly brainwash if the (somewhat disturbing) next poster is to be taken seriously...

... Seems legit. Pretty horrifying to think this was an actual mass produced handout but I guess shock tactics are one way of getting your word across. Having said that when it comes to any propoganda of any kind, it is obviously to grab attention so shock tactics would naturally be a running theme. Some do take it a smiiiidge too far though and teeter on the edge of disturbing and mentally scarring me for life *rocks back and forth in a corner somewhere*... cannot be unseen o.O ...

However, not all of them ARE this absurdly graphic or extreme as above- some are friendly enough. This one for instance makes me want to just let my hair down, chill out and watch Passion of the Christ with a few good friends

I bet my dad wishes he was as 'down with the kids' as Jesus in this poster. Some gnarly boarding there. Like Tony Hawk. And there ends the entirety of my skateboarding knowledge lol

So yeah, please let me know your thoughts on the blog and the focus question at the top

P.S none of the above is a slight against christianity, there are morons in all walks of life :)

Tuesday 9 October 2012

#02 Archie gets a Religion

So let's start with something nice and soft: Archie Comics. 
General questions to consider for this:

Is there a room for religion in comic entertainment? Is there a need? For who?

First the boring stuff just to fill you in in case you've been living under a rock for the past few decades. Archie comics originated in America in 1941 when one of the founders was looking to create a character that was 'normal' who people could relate to. Archie is just your average guy with a few friends he occasionally gets into mischief with (and a couple of others he'd like to...) to entertaining ends. (Loads more info here).

Though the Archie Comics have been around for yonks, there was only really one pivotal moment regarding religion, and that was in the 1970s when 'Archie's something else' came into being. Although it purposefully contained a Christian message, one of the founders, John Goldwater (who was Jewish, funnily enough), okay'd it claiming Archie being Christian would fit in with the ''wholesome family image'' he was trying to create. 

Here's where it all began (from here) :

And then others like this except here the reference to religion is just so subtle, its hard to tell... (!)

Nesteroff, American radio host says:
"I remember Betty Cooper praying in the cafeteria, and Archie is like, 'That's Betty Cooper. She's praying before her meal. We all pray in Riverdale.' I'd read probably 500 Archie comics at that point. I knew Archie pretty well so his statement that 'We all pray in Riverdale' made me mad. I was like, 'Archie you're lying! None of you pray!' I thought he was pretending to be a Christian.". 

This guy became so obsessed with all this that he made a blog in which he wrote a 'detailed history of the Christian Archies'. Wow, how lame. Who would make an entire blog about cartoon and religion.... 



oh wait : | .

Aaanyhoo, I'd like to know your opinions on those questions but a few other things to think about:

  • Silberkleit was clear about the fact that he would hate for readers to expect to  feel like they're being preached to- making a distinction between entertainment and religious teaching. 
  • If it made money, there is market perhaps? 
  • But aimed at Christians, so biased stat? 
  • Are religion related jokes just for insiders of a religion? 
  • Currently 60% of the audience is made up of girls age 6-12. Significant?

Tuesday 2 October 2012

#01 The slightly pointless introduction ;]

... To my slightly inaccurately URL'd blog.
I *will* be mostly exploring religion in and related to cartoon (comics... hence a COMICal controversy? never mind  but also in a broader sense (but connected) other forms of expression related to religion. My blog might have a title alluding to Art, but I don't necessarily mean the usual traditional religious art people would associate with the topic, but modern representations- and I think any form of creative expression can be considered art, although for this set of blogs I'm going to try my best to stay focused on cartoon representation. From clever placards, to internet propaganda to graffiti, I'm going to look at quite a broad range of topics so it might be a little all over the place at times, but as the great ledge Oscar Wilde once said:
"Consistently is the last refuge of the unimaginative"  
and there's nothing worse than being unimaginative. Although I hear Chinese water torture comes a close second.

Just to warn you, there might be offensive content in places but is that not always the case with anything interesting? For those of you who cannot handle it however, please follow this link to my website that has all you need to help you never be offended in any way ever again ;). No, but seriously, please email me if you have a real issue with any content and I will see what I can do, as I don't intend to hurt any feelings or start worldwide protests.

Anyway enjoy, and feel free to comment honestly.